Goldwind Gullen Range Wind Farm.jpg


Stockyard Hill Wind Farm has sought to amend the Planning Permit to increase the total amount of native vegetation removal allowed as part of its permit.

 The Planning Permit amendments propose to:

  1. amend condition 13 of the Planning Permit to increase the native vegetation allowed by 5.117 hectares to a total of up to 43.384 hectares and reducing the number of scattered trees to be removed;

  2. amend condition 18 of the Planning Permit to increase the required amount and type of native vegetation offsets in recognition of the amended native vegetation removal allowed under an amended condition 13; and

  3. amend application documentation to reflect the revised vegetation removal.

Stockyard Hill Wind Farm Pty Ltd (SHWF) gives notice of the Planning Permit amendment application. You can view the notice form by clicking here and the Permit amendment application request in the link by clicking here or by searching for the Planning Permit application number PL-SP/05/0548/C online at:

Any person who may be affected by the granting of the Planning Permit may object or make other submissions to the Responsible Authority (Minister for Planning) as stated in the Notice.

The Responsible Authority will not decide on the Planning Permit application before 15 March 2022.


A determination was issued in relation to PL-SP/05/0548-2 for Stockyard Hill Wind Farm

You can view the approval letter here and the copy of the approved planning permit amendment PL-SP.05.0548-C here or by searching the for the approved planning permit number PL-SP.05.0548-C online at

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Documents noted in the Planning Permit as publicly available can be requested by contacting the project via:

The project was approved by Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment ((DAWE) formerly Department of Energy and Environment (DoEE)) on 18 August 2017 under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) subject to controlling provisions relating to Golden Sun Moth (GSM) and Striped Legless Lizard (SLL) habitat.

Click here for the referral decision

In October 2010 the Stockyard Hill Wind Energy Facility was granted approval by the Minister for Planning. The Permit was amended in 2017 and 2018 to amongst other things, increase the overall maximum turbine height (up to 180 metres) within a reduced turbine layout (being 149 turbines instead of 157 turbines), and amend the Condition requirements for an Off-site Landscaping Plan to be consistent with the example condition requirements found in the Victorian Policy and Planning Guidelines for Wind Energy Facilities (November 2017).

Click here for Planning Permit
Click here for Planning Permit Version PL-SP.05.0548-D

In addition to the Planning Permit issued for the Project, separate approvals relating to the overhead line and terminal substation have also been granted.