Goldwind Gullen Range Wind Farm .jpg

Terminal Station

The terminal station is located at the intersection of Lower Darlington Road and Smiths Road, approximately 5 km to the south of Lismore. The site has a total area of approximately 158 ha, however the development is limited to the southern part of the site.

A short row of Sugar Gum trees has been planted along the northern property boundary. Haunted Gully is located to the north-east of the site within 100 m of the property boundary, Brown’s Waterholes is located approximately 2 km to the east, while Salt Creek is to the south of the site. Additionally, Lake Gnarpurt (a Ramsar Wetland) approximately 5 km to the south east and Lake Tooliorook 4 km to the west of the site.

Two artificial dams are located on the subject site, one along the eastern boundary and the other close to the western boundary. The dam to the east is devoid of native vegetation, and the dam to the west supports a very small modified patch of native vegetation.